Как вывести все имена, в т.ч. именованные формулы в отдельный список, в виде имени и адреса?

  1. Вариант
    code: #vba
    For Each iName In ThisWorkbook.Names
       Cells(iName.Index, 1).Value = iName.Name
       Cells(iName.Index, 2).Value = "'" & iName.RefersToLocal
  2. Вариант
    code: #vba
    With ThisWorkbook.Names
       For iCount = 1 To .Count
           Cells(iCount, 1).Value = .Item(iCount).Name
           Cells(iCount, 2).Value = "'" & .Item(iCount).RefersToLocal
    End With
  3. Bonus
    code: #vba
    For Each iName In ThisWorkbook.Names
        With iName
             iIndex = .Index + 1
             Cells(iIndex, 1).Value = .Name
             Cells(iIndex, 2).Value = .Parent.Name
             Cells(iIndex, 3).Value = TypeName(.Parent)
             Cells(iIndex, 4).Value = "'" & .RefersTo
             Cells(iIndex, 5).Value = "'" & .RefersToLocal
             Cells(iIndex, 6).Value = .Visible
        End With
    With Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, 6)) 'Range("A1:F1")
         .Value = Array("Name", "Parent", "NameLevel", _
         "RefersTo", "RefersToLocal", "Visible")
         .Font.Bold = True
    End With

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