Как используя ячейки рабочего листа "получить" стандартные 56 цветов и узнать их индекс - ColorIndex?
Категория: Basic
2012-08-03 14:29:44
code: #vba
Private Sub CreatePaletteColours() With Application .ScreenUpdating = False .Workbooks.Add xlWBATWorksheet .ActiveWorkbook.ResetColors With .Range("A1:G8") Dim iCell As Range For Each iCell In .Cells iColorIndex& = iColorIndex& + 1 iCell.Value = iColorIndex& iCell.Interior.ColorIndex = iColorIndex& Next With .Borders .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlThin .ColorIndex = 48 End With .ColumnWidth = 3 .RowHeight = 19.5 '.Cells(1).Width .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter End With .ScreenUpdating = True End With End Sub