Вычисление факториала на Assembler

code: #assembler
; file: factorial.asm
; This program demonstrates local variables and recursion
%include "asm_io.inc"
segment .data
prompt db "Enter a number: ", 0
ans_msg db "! is ", 0
segment .bss
input1 resd 1
input2 resd 1
segment .text
; This procedure expects one unsigned integer (n>0) on the stack.
; It returns n! in eax
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,4 ;make space for a local variable (at ebp-4)
mov eax,[ebp+8] ;put parameter in eax
cmp eax,0
je done ;if we were finding 0!
mov [ebp-4],eax ;else store eax in our local variable
dec eax ;compute n-1
push eax ;put it on the stack
call factorial ;and find (n-1)!
;oops! forgetting to remove param from stack. see *
mul dword [ebp-4] ;then multiply it by our saved value
jmp epilog ;and return it
mov eax,1
mov esp,ebp ;restore esp (skip over local variables)
; Note *: saved, because we fix esp no matter what
; DON'T DO THIS. I left it in for educational purposes only
pop ebp

global _asm_main
enter 0,0 ; setup routine
mov eax, prompt
call print_string
call read_int
call print_int
push eax
mov eax,ans_msg
call print_string
call factorial
add esp,4 ;remove parameter from stack 
call print_int
call print_nl
mov eax, 0 ; return back to C

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